Founders and fintech Influencers
Messages in the community sent each year
A free, invite-only community for Fintech founders and influencers committed to progressing the Open Finance agenda through active collaboration.
Hosted on a digital private Slack channel and with regular events to support members Development, Awareness and Connection.
Dedicated Success Management from financial services experts to share insights, help tailor fintech propositions, and communicate effectively to Financial Institutions.
Exclusive access to the best of SHIFT like exclusive SHIFT+ events with Fintech Champions, media spotlights (via LinkedIn, newsletters, podcasts and whitepapers), and prioritised access to event opportunities.
A private community of individuals from Financial Institutions passionate about Fintech integration with exclusive access to the SHIFT community and support from Financial services experts on Fintech partnerships.
Ignite is an exclusive incubator programme dedicated to one UK founder at a time designed to transform disruptive fintech ideas into reality with financial support, expert guidance, and extensive industry networking.