AI solutions are nothing without quality data

Artificial Intelligence solutions are nothing without data, and banks certainly have a lot of it. The challenge is around quality rather than quantity, and an inability to identify and really harness the types of data needed to design, build and develop an effective AI solution. There are several capabilities financial institutions can build that will […]

Cross-sectoral approach to Open Finance

It’s quite clear that financial wellbeing in the UK is at an all-time low and has only been exacerbated by the pandemic. The data paints a picture of a population of people that don’t feel confident or in control of their finances but clearly do have an appetite to find a better deal. They are […]

Why Digital Transformation isn’t just for IT

Throughout the work we do, we often encounter people who believe that Digital Transformation sits siloed in a specific part of the organisation – usually IT. To explain why Digital Transformation is for the entire business, not just IT, it’s worth starting with what it means – which isn’t as simple as it sounds. What […]

Uncovering the true potential of Open Finance

Download our new report today – “Uncovering the true potential of Open Finance” To truly uncover the potential of Open Finance, we can’t just talk about it in general terms. We can’t just relay the expected benefits back to customers. We need to highlight, with specific detail, the products and solutions that are being developed […]

AI is as much about people as it is about machines

The organisation can sow the seeds of a culture, but it’s the people that cultivate it and allow it to blossom. For an AI project to produce fantastic results, firms need a blend of engineering, delivery and business skills. The boundaries between data, analytics and technology need to be broken down and the organisation needs […]